Monday, 26 May 2014

When in London...

Joey pioneering the selfie circa 1998

It's all too easy to take the place we live in for granted. We wake up, go to work - always careful to take that same familiar route - but rarely do we stop to appreciate our surroundings. 

Sleep. Wake. Work. Repeat. The Daily Grind. (Although maybe for us students it's a little more sleep and a lot less work.)

Life is made easier by routines and this is especially true for a city like London. Everyone likes to think they know the city best, whether that means the quickest tube to work, the best local take-out or the cheapest pint around. And sure, these are the great benefits of being a local, but what about all those other attractions that make London the most popular tourist destination in the world?

Let's face it tourists have a bad rep. Annoying gaggles of slow-moving, camera pointing, guidebook absorbed people following the bright yellow Donald Duck umbrella, getting in the way. We think this is nothing to be ashamed of - although we could probably lose the umbrella - and with exams finally out the way, we intend to make the most of our freedom by unashamedly being tourists in our own city. 

We have five weeks before leaving London for the summer and aim to seek out all of London's touristy, studenty and cliched 'off the beaten track' things we can find. Watch this space...

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